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Kick'n Ass. Take'n Names!


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dating – farting is never an issue. Married – you make sure there's nothing flammable near your husband at all times. Dating – he takes you out to have a good time Married – he brings home a 6-pack, and says "What are you drinking?" Dating – he holds your hand in public. Married – he flicks your ear in public. Dating – a Single bed for 2 isn't THAT bad. Married...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]THINGY (thing-ee) n. Female: Any part under a car's hood. Male: The strap fastener on a woman's bra. VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj. Female: Fully opening up one's self emotionally to another. Male: Playing football without a helmet. COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shon) n. Female: The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner. Male: Scratching out a note before suddenly taking off for a weekend with the boys. BUTT (but) n Female: The body part that every item...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Man who fight with wife all day, get no piece at night. Man who drive like hell, bound to get there. Man who fish in other man's well, often catch crabs. Man who sit on tack, get point.   Man who jump off cliff, jump to hasty conclusion. Man who stand on toilet, high on pot. Man who stick foot in mouth, get athlete's tongue. Man who live in glass house, should change clothes...

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